Ever Present Ananda



Self-realization means just knowing yourself. It can be considered as a Users- Manual for life, enabling us to handle life better.

I AM THE HOLISTIC SELF: Self has a peripheral component physical self, psychological self, emotional self and ecological self with time and space. This peripheral component is what we are experiencing/truth outside/outerself.
Self has a central or core component pure being / ever-present self/singularity / devoid of time and space. This central component is what we really are /truth inside/inner self.

I AM NOT THE BODY SELF ALONE: Body is our outer truth. Pure self is our inner truth (both together called as Ghatakasha). Body is my peripheral part in Outer Self. Centre of the body is my Inner Self.

IAM NOT THE PSYCHOLOGICAL SELF ALONE: Truth outside is Psychology. Truth inside is pure self (both together called as Chittakasha). Mind is my peripheral part of Outer Self. Centre of the mind is my Inner Self.

I AM NOT THE EMOTIONAL SELF ALONE: Truth outside is emotions. Truth inside is pure self [both together called as Bhavakasha]. Emotions are my peripheral part of Outer Self. Centre of the emotions is my inner self.

I AM NOT THE ECOSELF ALONE: Truth outside is ecosystem. Truth inside is pure self [both together called as Bhootakasha]. Ecosystem is my peripheral part of Outer Self. Centre of the ecosystem is my Inner Self.
Ecological self is the interconnected self. Everybreath we inhale consists of 1022 number of atoms,which includes billions of atoms from clouds, atoms from trees, atoms from soil etc.

Self realization helps us gain a scientific
understanding of the source of existence &
wholeness in self.

I AM EVERPRESENT SELF: I am ever-present pure self with no time and space but having a transient journey into time and space where I am experiencing a body, mind, emotions and ecosystem self. Peripheral / outer self is just a crystallization of the pure self and is a Virtual reality. Peripheral self is a dynamic expression of the inner self. Ingredient of pure self is 99.9999999% empty- like- atomic stuff that constitutes the structure of our holistic self.

Outer self is Truth outside (Prakruthi), Inner self is Truth inside (Purusha) – Prakruthi Purushaatmakam Brahma (Wholeness) (Oneness) Truth outside and truth inside is self it is an absolute state, Absoluteness or completeness that needs to be understood scientifically. Outer self is what we experience and inner self is what we are. Through scientific self-realization, we understand how the outer present is the outer self.

Awareness of Complete Self is Realization. Self realization is getting clarity. Spiritual means deeply identifying with Deeper self
Self-realization means understanding self that is already real through science.
Ultimately, we need solutions for human suffering.
Holistic self-education [wholeness of the self] and Holistic Lifestyle Education through science is the need of the day.

NOTE: Division is only for our understanding. As such, there is no division. We are absolute or wholeness.

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