Ever Present Ananda


"Discover the power of happiness with our awareness mission. We believe that happiness is a choice and our mission is to help you make that choice every day. Join our community of positivity and let's make the world a brighter, happier place together."


Unleash your full potential with Scientific Spirituality. Combining science and spirituality, we offer a unique approach to personal growth and well-being. Join us and discover the power of inner transformation.

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Welcome to the Center for Scientific Spirituality Institute, where we bring together the best of science and spirituality to promote happiness awareness and personal growth. Our mission is to provide education on the connection between science and spirituality, and to empower individuals to awaken their inner potential. Join us in creating a happier world through scientific spirituality

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  1. Present State is the source of existence of all that exists. Whole of existence is made up of elementary silent state called Present state. Present is the only reality. At the root of this reality, the whole existence is existing.

Dr. G. Shashidhara

Founder, Ever Present Ananda
  1. The crystallization of Present State produces energy. Crystallization of this energy is the Physical world.

Dr. G. Shashidhara

Founder, Ever Present Ananda
  1. Present State is our real state, the one that is inherent and unchanging. But our experience or perception of the world is based on past dependent data called Present Perception.

Dr. G. Shashidhara

Founder, Ever Present Ananda
  1. We believe in past, present and future but forget the fact that these are just points in a given series of Present State.

Dr. G. Shashidhara

Founder, Ever Present Ananda
Present State

Present state is our real state but what we experience is Present Perception (experience of the world based on the concepts of time, space, society and the physical body). In reality, life is merely an illusion and the Present Perception is the root cause for this illusion of life or life movie. Earth is actually a creation of the mind. It is an illusion.I however do not refute that the source of our perceived reality does not exist. It does exist always but not the way we perceive it. Present state is also called Pure State/Soul/Achala/Being state/Parabrahman/Krishna- Consciousness/Allah/Real I/Self/Buddha -State etc. These are very universal truths and hence all religious labels have been avoided in our web language and in the book.

Everpresent State

Although we see a static film at a particular moment while watching a movie, what we perceive is a movie or a motion picture. It is certainly an illusion . Similarly, unitized reel of Inherent Present State is a static reality. But we perceive it as the universe. The way we perceive the world around us is nothing but a projection of the past, where as the Present will always be static which is our Everpresentstate . Our psychological conditioning along with the limitations of body-time-space-society nexus has programmed a labelled individual in us and is the root cause for the glorification of mind and body instead of the Everpresent. Everything in this universe is transient and Everpresent alone is constant. Everything in this universe is its Quantum Units.

Our Objectives

The main objective of this mission is to create awareness about the Ever- Present State which could cater to individual as well as global peace. I wish to help people become aware of what was always there within them, their inherent universal nature and finally become Universal Human Beings who are fearless, self- reliant and beautifully unique. I have also devised a few simple ways of leading life called “Living In The Present” which aims at transforming the wounded beings we have become today into Universal Human Beings. Once each one of us realises our nature to be Universal Human Beings, it is my plea and my dream that we take action in the Present to create a peaceful and bountiful world for ourselves.

Our Journey So Far

My drive and passion for creating awareness about the truth of our existence ( Ever Present State) has led me to travel far and wide, engaging crowds in guest lectures and seminars, from my home in Bangalore all the way till the United States.


But I have always wanted to do much more for my fellow society dwellers. And I have been very fortunate to have founded the Centre for Scientific Spirituality in the year 2012 with my very dedicated team members who share my vision for propagating this scientific truth of life and my dream of a peaceful and bountiful world. 

We, at the Centre for Scientific Spirituality cater free education on the following topics by way of workshops and interactive sessions

  • Truth Of Life
  • Spirituality for Children
  • Universal Human Being Awareness Education (for public)
  • Universal Human Being Awareness Education ( for schools and colleges)
  • Everpresent Global Education

              We have catered this education to several schools and colleges and a good number of my fellow human beings, but for me it feels like the start of my journey, here at the Centre For Scientific Spirituality. We still have so many more people to reach out to, so many more wounded beings in need of knowledge of the truth in order to heal them, just so many more lost and confused minds who are in desperate need to be freed. Our journey to convey the scientific truth of our existence will only reach fruition once Ever Present Global Education becomes a Global phenomenon.

about the author

A well known practitioner of medicine and a successful pediatrician of the Silicon City of India, the Bangalore City, conceptualizing a scientific solution to an Individual and Global Peace! Yes, he is Dr. G. Shashidhara aged about 50 years, an able son of a highly dedicated school teacher whose life was totally devoted in understanding the absolute reality of life. Thanks to his father for having imbibed the zeal to seek the truth about the Everpresent primodial cause.
Born and brought up in the family environment that always breathed, echoed and emitted spirituality, Dr. Shashidhara always nurtured his quest for an individual and global peace, passio

His passage through childhood and youth, busy professional schedule and its attendant pressure have not detracted him from his goal.

He has diligently pursued his quest through introspection for over 25 years in order to scientifically explain the cause for the present predicament of humanity. He is of firm belief that the truth is scientific and once proved it can be easily conveyed to the world, so it is NOW.

Dr. Shashidhara has also been conducting workshop on Scientific Spirituality with a consummate passion to strive for global peace. Founder of Translife-Mission to involve people across globe to free humanity from chaos and fear, his aim is to make his mission a people’s movement; a global movement to achieve this he is planning to travel across the globe with an appeal to the people and their leaders to eschew to separatist tendency and strive for a prosperous and peaceful world order.

This work is an outcome of his long cherished vision and mission and an able contribution of his might for the great cause of peace: Individual & Global.

"Peace alone can save this planet and its habitants. United we flourish, Divided we perish."