Ever Present Ananda



Holistic simply means wholeness. We need to address the health of the whole system, not just in parts.
Spirituality is a lifestyle education. It is a way of life. Every individual can strive to live to the fullest [wholeness or complete life], and live a life of profoundness, beauty and contentment.
Today, our modern lifestyle encourages imbalanced lifestyle patterns that creates confusion, illness, makes us unfocused and fools us into attaching ourselves to the materialistic world alone. Hence, understanding our self & its care is a priority education.

“WHO defines Health as A state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being” .
The WHOs Constitution states that its objective “is the attainment by all people of the highest possible level of health”. Holistic self education through science is core of spirituality
We have a superficial self and a deep self.

Self has a peripheral component- physical self, psychological self, emotional self and ecological self
with time & space which we experience. Self has central component ever-present self /singularity / no time & space/ pure being what we really are.
Self has centre which is pure and absolute. Self has periphery which in turn has ecosystem [ Prakruti]. Ecosystem includes environment, body, mind and emotions. Hence, integrating truth outside[outer- self] & truth inside [inner- self] gives us wholeness & promotes holistic self-care. Understanding the Wholeness of Who You Are
through science and taking care of self-through an ecofriendly manner for a sustainable future to attain
UNSDG goal of wellbeing for all ages should be everyone s focus. Periphery or objective world has
Noises- Noises from body, Noises from mind, Noises from emotions, and Noises from the ecosystem. We
can overcome these noises by Ecofriendly Holistic Lifestyle Education.

Scientific Spirituality emphasizes on holistic lifestyle
because each and every thought, every vibration,
every word, every feeling and experience in the outer
Present or external world affects every cell
membrane of a cell in us. Membrane in turn reflects
on epigenetics of a cell and epigenetics in turn
reflects on genetics and causes changes. This basic
knowledge helps us to understand scientific reasons
for the emergence of Diseases.

A. How To Take Care Of Physical Self
Poor physical conditions that creates noises in the body : refined foods- Maida, Maida based food products, polished rice, refined oils, junk foods, chemicals used in agriculture, prescription drugs, addictive elements
alcohol, tobacco and drugs, processed foods, Preservatives & additives.
We can overcome these physical noises by ecofriendly practices such as: Balanced nourishment means which includes nourishment from all 5 elements of nature and also by Consuming Wholegrains, millets and unpolished rice, Consuming Fresh fruits and vegetables [ as per WHO, 400grams of vegetables and fruits is mandatory], & consuming plenty of fluids (water and organic beverages), Avoiding drugs`and chemicals wherever possible, Avoiding addictive elements, Developing awareness of chemicals used in food and how best to avoid them & Incorporating physical activities such as aerobics, yoga etc. into
daily routine.
Body spirituality prevents us from atherosclerosis,
hypertension, obesity, cancer & chronic liver, heart,
renal diseases, diabetes, stroke etc.,

Yoga offers a wide range of benefits for the physical body in the Outer Present as it improves balance and stability, flexibility and joint health, respiration, reduces high blood pressure and decreases anxiety. We experience body noises if we have obesity, nutritional disorders, diabetes and hypertension etc., Hence preventing these physical noises or the barriers for body care is more important.
Body spirituality aims at creating positive epigenetics which in turn can bring about beneficial changes at
the genetic level.

Hence incorporate healthy diet that can help you attain positive body biochemistry through wholegrains,
multi millets, use live diet (fresh fruits and vegetables), plenty of fluids (water and organic fruit juices) and avoid
excess of refined flour, refined sugar, salt and oil

Note: Balanced nourishment from all the five elements [earth, water, fire, air and sky] and avoiding anything in excess and practising moderationis simple way to keep physical health fit.
Body too is a given gift from nature and ignoring
natural laws creates misery. No virus or bacteria or
genetic mutations differentiates between cells of the
divine or nondivine person it has its own natural

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