Ever Present Ananda


Happiness awareness education

Happiness is a fundamental human desire. It’s what we strive for in life, and what we hope to achieve through our actions and accomplishments. However, happiness isn’t always easy to come by, and it can be especially difficult to find in today’s fast-paced, high-stress world.

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Today, we are facing an unhappiness pandemic. As per the WHO in 2019, around 280 million people worldwide are affected by depression. With women being 50 % more likely to experience depression than men. In the same year around 703,000 people died by suicide, comprising 9.0 per 100,000 individuals of the total world population. India witnessed a 27 % spike in suicide rates between 2018 and 2022, making it one of the countries with the highest suicides in the world.Unhappiness is the root cause of the problem,contributing to 75 percent of diseases. It s crucial to prioritize happiness. In 2011, the UN General Assembly adopted aresolution which recognized happiness as a fundamental human goal and promotes the happiness and well-being of all peoples. March 20th has been established as the annual International Day of Happiness and all 193 United Nations member states have adopted a resolution calling for happiness to begiven  greater priority.
Happiness is a human emotion. Happiness education is a necessity, indeed the birthright of every individual. Essentially, it recommends living in the present, which offers tools for happiness. Happiness Awareness Education serves as a guide, recognizing the
unique frequency of each and every individual and promoting wholeness in life.Ninety percent of happiness is derived from how we process the world. We need training on how to perceive the world better, as education is the key to  happiness. Lack of knowledge is the root of sorrow, and ignorance is the cause of suffering. No matter how many resources one has, without knowing how to use them,they are futile, Hence, education matters. Happiness awareness education appreciates that every individual has a unique periphery where customization in life leads to object happiness and a united center, which has ever-present happiness. Happiness education and workshops are essential, especially considering the alarming increase in depression cases, addiction disorders, anxiety, and post traumatic stress disorder. Governments and educational institutes should recognize happiness as the birthright of every individual, providing necessary training for
various types of happiness. Happiness awareness education helps in regulating our thoughts and emotions. It emphasizes on the truth of life as Present and happiness as a choice. It educates both transient and changing happiness [object derived] as
well as stable and inbuilt happiness [subject derived]. Basically, happiness is a state of biochemistry. It s a human emotion that creates lot of neuropeptides in our body. When there is harmony in the mind and emotions, virtues like acceptance, forgiveness, kindness,compassion, gratitude, and loving fullness develop. This acts as a ground-state from where happiness can multiply. We experience happiness when we realize the content of the present with appreciation and celebration. So, it is crucial to understand happiness and its education because, regardless of how many resources of happiness you have, if you do not know how to use them, that makes a difference.

Peripheral Happiness to Holistic Happiness

Holistic means wholeness the wholeness of well being. We need to address happiness from the whole  system not just in parts. Hence it involves happiness of body, mind, emotions & ecosystem as parts of our periphery as well as happiness from our center. Once we are able to understand we are complete human beings, we also understand our unique periphery and a united center. Holistic happiness includes wholeness [objective and subjective world]. It focuses on transient and changing happiness while emphasizing stable, inbuilt happiness that brings peace. The essence of the inner happiness is silence, peace, timelessness, bliss, and purity. This peace allows us to manage the body, mind, emotions, and ecosystem well. Happiness and joy exist within us. Once we are in touch with our original state, it directly reflects same state in the outer objective world irrespective of situations, people and circumstances. Acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude
blossoms in us automatically as an outcome. Truth inside is called the inner present. It s atranquil state. The body is designed for blissful
experience, but it lies dormant in many individuals due to trap of the mind and emotions and lack of education. 

When you are not enjoying what is already there and want add-ons, that s when problems start.

 Unfulfilled desires and expectations are the root cause of unhappiness and creates unfavourable bio- chemistry in the body. There are different happiness tools available. We need to select and customize them depending on our uniqueness. An individual is not a part of the wholeness; he himself is a whole. Individual means indivisible,signifying wholeness. Hence, man is not partial. Do not deal with the man part by part. The outer present contains Body, Mind, Emotions, and Ecosystem, where various happiness tools exist. Aside from these, there are many other tools knowledge, devotion, yoga, meditation, wealth, possession, and position. Inner content, internal
happiness, uniqueness, and competence, also act as powerful tools. 

The key is to appreciate and celebrate these above mentioned tools.

Its crucial to enjoy the tools, like smiling, laughing,admiring beauty, eating, drinking, giving, receiving,serving, gratitude, appreciating the unique design in us, and enjoy the process of life by taking action in the present toward goals. When we start appreciating and celebrating
whatever ecosystem surrounds us; it gives an eco happiness.


Body happiness includes Eating, Drinking, Sensory Pleasures of taste, touch, smell, hearing, vision, food, shelter, clothing, Spiritual stroking, Sports, Swimming, walking, Massaging, gyming, aerobics, smiling, laughing, dancing, serving and helping etc
Mind happiness includes Getting what you want, freedom, expression of unique design, success, fruitful relationship etc
Emotional happiness includes smiling, laughing, giving, caring,receiving, sexual pleasures, love, serving etc

Eco happiness includes being with nature, beauty of the nature,Blooming & Fragrance of flowers, Wonderment of nature, Tasteof juicy fruits, Varieties etc.,

Ever-present center happiness includes Silence, Being in the Present, Becoming a witness to all the events, Meditation, Good
Sleep, Center yourself etc.,
Contentment is acknowledging and apprreciating contents in the present. To get contentment in life, we have outer present contents like our physical, mental, emotional, and ecological objects to be appreciated and inner present content which is our true nature to be acknowledged. We need training to cultivate instant happiness through simple practices such as smile, laughter, presence of loved ones, gratitude, giving, receiving, and achieving desires. Holistic lifestyle education is core of scientific spirituality and gain knowledge of our wholeness of life that lead to transformation and resulting in holistic happiness. There are 115 videos of 2-7 minutes on this happiness awareness education. All you have to do is watch Ever Present Ananda  https://www.youtube.com/ @everpresentananda

Note: Few principles while in periphery:

1. 2. 3. 4. Be aware of the ever-changing world in periphery. Right and wrong is the superficial reality. Yes! We can transcend Acceptance plays important role. What we do not accept causes us unrest. Involve 100% in whatever you do and who you wish to be but be free from comparison, perfection and seriousness.