Ever Present Ananda



Spiritual intelligence is nothing but wholeness realization and its applications. Spiritual intelligence implies access to the deepest layer of our true state. Spiritual intelligence is the basic requirement for today s society and the birth right of all human beings born on this planet. Spiritual intelligence is a necessary foundation for IQ
(Intelligence Quotient) & EQ (Emotional Quotient). Spiritual Intelligence means synchronous processing of wholeness of the truth. We need not be religious to develop spiritual intelligence. Measurement of this spiritual intelligence is SQ [Spiritual Quotient].

Why do we need spiritual intelligence?
Today, we find ourselves bound by many shackles materialism, mere obsession with surface existence, trapped by misleading social media trends, prejudice, lack of meaning in life. Narrow view of self-existence, past-based living, fear of failure, fear of physical ailments, fear of death and fear of all we perceive as unknown. Spiritual intelligence is the precious resource within us which can free us from these illusory shackles.

What is spiritual intelligence?
We need to understand 4 MAIN pillars of spiritual intelligence.

    Wholeness in truth = truth outside [ periphery of existence] + truth inside [ center or core of existence]. Truth outside is represented as body, mind and emotions along with our ecosystem. As per today’s science truth outside is made of atoms and intervening space. Truth inside is deeply represented by atomic stuff. this atomic stuff is made of 99.9999999% empty like space. Remaining 0.0000000001% is also on deconstruction is made of empty like stuff. This empty like Quantum stuff or Quantum essence is labelled as spirit or Para Brahman or consciousness or soul or Allah….etc.,. Truth outside and truth inside both are essentially made of Quantum stuff or Quantum field.
    Present has wholeness [truth outside=outer present + truth inside = empty like quantum stuff or inner present]. living in the present is wholeness. Practice Being in the present and Being in the Non judgement is the key to wholeness.
    We need to understand both periphery of our existence and center of our existence scientifically. Periphery has birth and death, cells are born, has life span and dies. Similarly Body takes birth, has lifespan and die, Mind or thoughts also arise and die, Ecosystem also will be born, has lifespan and dies. Centre is our inner self/being which has no birth & death labelled as Ever-present self as it remains forever. Identify and anchor with this ever-present self. To develop spiritual intelligence, live a life of integration with center.
    Our center is not only our center, it is the center of thewhole existence and as we start moving towards center, we are one. Only in the periphery we are different like in race, religion, language, family etc.
  3. Identify unique design and Creating meaning in life – We are unique design in the outer truth (outer present) and united in the inner truth (inner present). As such there is no meaning to life- no animal or butterfly thinks of pursuing a meaningful life. We human beings, unique with a mind like a super computer- inbuilt in our brain can create meaning and contribute to society. Identifying one s unique worth as a unique individual plays an important role in creating meaning to life and contributing the best service towards the society.
  4. Holistic happiness: People with Spiritual
    intelligence derive happiness from wholeness which includes physical, mental, emotional & ecological states [transient happiness] and also from the centre or deeper natural bliss. Having gratitude towards what we have. Appreciating & celebrating what we have leads us to happiness.

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